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Mauna Seminar


In August 2023 Sri Swamiji will again visit Germany for a Mauna seminar, a three-day silent retreat (Mauna = silence).


During the Mauna Seminar in Switzerland in 2013 Sri Swamiji said:

"Silence (Mauna) is a big topic, silence is powerful when you stop thinking. It's very difficult to stop our thoughts in the beginning, we can control and stop our speech, but not our thoughts. The thoughts come, one after the other, it does not matter, in the first days they come, as you practice more and more, the thoughts will stop. This Mauna is pure. "


„Silence is not the absence of speech. Mauna is the practice of silencing the mind. There is nothing to even think about in silence. The true self is beyond silence. The external disturbances have to subside in the self – in real silence.“ (Sri Swamiji, SGS Posts)


During the three Mauna days Sri Swamiji guides everyone to immerse themselves into silence. Concentration on the breath is complemented by light, but effective yoga exercises. The time of silence enables a great inner cleansing. The practice of Mauna is accompanied by a process of awareness.


This is a valuable experience we can take home with us to create a healthy balance, improve our concentration and reduce stress in our often hectic daily life overwhelmed by digital media.

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Datta Yoga Center Germany e.V.
Kreuzbergstrasse 72a, 40489 Düsseldorf

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